Soils PET (People, Education, Technology) Pilot Project

Succint Summary Text: The Soils PET Pilot Project is an innovative pilot to test mechanisms of engagement and information transfer. The project utilises on-ground connectivity of Landcare networks to stimulate change in management of landscapes in Central West NSW.

More detailed Story/results/rationale: Soil provides ecosystem services, enables plant growth, resists erosion, stores water, retains nutrients, and is a natural environmental buffer in the landscape. Healthy soil is the foundation of productive, sustainable agriculture. Managing for soil health allows producers to work with the land against impacts such as erosion, reduced water infiltration and/ or nutrient cycling.

This Smart Farms Small Grants project will use new soil testing technology to fill gaps in soil science and improve landholder understanding of soil health best management practices through localised field day events. Experts from the NSW Soils Knowledge Network (SKN) and Soils Unit of NSW DPIE will ensure accurate advice, testing and soils data input into data systems such as eSPADE and/ or eDIRT deliver outcomes under the National Soil Strategy and improve resiliency of the working land.

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