Exclusion Fencing Project

Exclusion Fencing Project

Completed Project
2018 – 2019

A group of landholders in the Little River Catchment (The Goobang Cluster) share a common boundary with Goobang National Park. During a time of water scarcity, pest animals previously depended on the water sources within the Park began sourcing water from neighbouring stocking troughs. Increased pressure from pigs, goats, deer, foxes, rabbits etc, negatively impacted the clusters’ pasture and ground cover, resulting in erosion and excessive and sustained pressure due to lost potential of full stocking rates.

The Goobang Cluster project successfully removed pest animal access to 4545 ha through exclusion fencing and a buffering zone of 3970 ha. By collaborating across the Goobang cluster boundary, landholders reduced the recovery periods associated with excessive pest animal grazing during drought, enabling the cluster to match their stocking rates with their carrying capacity.

Photo credit: LRLG

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